E-Procurement Software: Moving your procurement from Excel and Word to get rid of errors

Moving procurement from Excel and Word to E-Procurement software can bring numerous benefits to an organization. Excel and Word are useful tools, but they can be time-consuming and error-prone when used for procurement. Procurement solutions can improve efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration, while also providing a range of features to enhance procurement processes. With the right procurement software in place, organizations can streamline procurement processes and achieve better outcomes.

Eliminating Errors with E-Procurement Software

One of the main advantages of using E-Procurement software is automation. Procurement software automates many manual processes, such as data entry, which saves time and reduces errors. For example, procurement software can automatically capture data from invoices, purchase orders, and receipts, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the risk of errors caused by manual data entry that usually happen while handling procurement entities within Word and Excel.

Processing Purchase Orders with Excel and executing Contract with Word

Procurement software can also improve accuracy by providing validation checks during the procurement process. This reduces the risk of errors and ensures that procurement is conducted in compliance with regulations and company policies. For example, E-Procurement software can check that purchase orders are within budget, that suppliers meet the necessary qualifications, and that contracts comply with legal requirements.


Procurement software can provide analytics and reporting capabilities. This allows the controllers to track procurement performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. For example, procurement software can provide insights into supplier performance, cost savings, and compliance metrics. This can help organizations optimize procurement processes, improve efficiency, get the items at the best terms, and reduce costs as a result. With the right procurement software in place, organizations can streamline procurement processes and achieve better outcomes.

Collaboration between stakeholders

Collaboration is another area where procurement software can bring benefits. Procurement involves many stakeholders, such as suppliers, finance teams, and legal teams. Collaboration and coordination between these stakeholders can be challenging when using Excel and Word. Procurement software provides a centralized platform for stakeholders to collaborate, share information, and track progress. This can improve communication, reduce duplication of effort, and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Recording communication within PO in a system

For example, in Acquirell purchase orders can be created by a manager within a few clicks, and later monitored by all stakeholders. Collaboration between stakeholders is made easier with a centralized platform, and reporting capabilities provide insights into procurement performance.

Stakeholders can also collaborate within a contract. The controllers can monitor the contract execution to ensure compliance with regulations and company policies.

Running RFP event in E-Procurement Software

Also, the stakeholders can handle various sourcing events (e.g. RFP) through Acquirell saving valuable time and effort. By running the RFP process through Acquirell, requests can be quickly sent out and supplier proposals can be received and evaluated, all in one place.

Moving procurement from Excel and Word to Acquirell can bring significant benefits to a company. Acquirell improves efficiency, accuracy, collaboration, and reporting, while also providing a range of features to enhance procurement processes.

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